Bachelor's Thesis
BWL408 Graduation Thesis
(1) Calenders, Forms and Guidelines for a Bachelor Thesis
(2) Turkish-German University Bachelor's Thesis 2025 Application Process:
- Department Chairs announce lists showing research areas and/or topics, advisors, and quotas for undergraduate graduation projects on department boards and/or the Turkish-German University website before course registration begins, as specified in the academic calendar. (February 3-6, 2025)
After meeting with the faculty member they wish to conduct their graduation project with, the student submits the Undergraduate Graduation Project Advisor Assignment Form, signed by both the student and the advisor, to the Department Chairs for approval (February 10-12, 2025)
- Department Chairs forward the approved Undergraduate Graduation Project Advisor Assignment Forms to the relevant unit for entry into the student information system. (February 17-19, 2025)
(3) TGU BA Bachelor's Program Thesis Topics and Possible Supervisors (Spring Semestre 2025)
TDU Bachelor-Abschlussthemen im Fachbereich BWL und mögliche BetreuerInnen für Abschlussarbeiten (SS 2025)