
The Bachelor of Business Administration Program
aims to provide its students with essential professional knowledge and skills in the field of Business Administration. Besides the core courses from the fields of accounting, finance, marketing, management, and quantitative methods that are directly related to the Business Administration, the curriculum of the program is enriched with compulsory and elective courses from the fields of economics, law and management information systems. In this respect, the program has an interdisciplinary characteristics.

The courses are carried out by Turkish faculty members, most of whom have international experience, German faculty members working in the Department of Business Administration, and visiting academicians coming from Germany to hold courses in cooperation with the local academic staff.  

The Bachelor of Business Administration is an application-oriented program that places special emphasis on university-private sector cooperation. In this context, - our students,  have the opportunity to write their bachelor theses in international companies., thereby applying their acquired theoretical knowledge to concrete business problems. Furthermore, a compulsory internship is also an important part of the curriculum.

Thanks to the Erasmus+ Program, students also have the opportunity to take courses at universities abroad and gain international experience.

An important advantage of the Bachelor Program is the opportunity for successful students to participate in the international double degree program, which is offered in cooperation with the Department of Business Administration at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences.

Besides German, students of the program can also learn English that is extensively used in business.

Graduates of the program can begin a career both in national or international companies as well as in public institutions or universities.

Curriculum changes and academic activities related to the program are regulated in cooperation with our partner universities Bielefeld University and Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

To acquire further information about teaching, academic and research activities of the Department of Business Administration, you can follow our official social media accounts on Facebook (@TAUisletme), Twitter (@TAUisletme) and Instagram (@tauisletme).