BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2019). Burnout Syndrome Is It Just a Matter of Workload . International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 10(3), 1600–1606.
Durmuşoğlu, S., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., Chaudhuri, M., Chen, J., Joens, I., &Schweiss, S. (2019). Barriersto Service Innovativeness in EmergingEconomies. Journal of Services Marketing, 0–0.
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D.,&Shinnar, R. (2019). How Founders Establish Legitimacy A Narrative Perspective on Social Entrepreneurs in a Developing Country Context . Social Enterprise Journal, 0–0.
Shinnar, R.,& ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2019). Immigrant entrepreneurship in an emerging economy Thecase of Turkey. Journal of Small Business Management, 0–0.
ÇATAK, Ç., & NUROĞLU, E. (2018). RETURNS TO INNOVATION AND GROWTH A PANEL DATA APPROACH FOR MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRIES. International Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies, 243–256.
BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2018). Yapısal Güçlendirme Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması. Journal of Yaşar University, 13(49), 101–111.
KARATAŞ GÜMÜŞTAŞ, N., YOZGAT, U., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & BÖRÜ, M. D. (2018). Çatışan Kurumsal Mantıkların Etkileşimi Ve Yönetici Tepkileri Türkiye de Faaliyet Gösteren Alman Firmaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Journal of Research in Business, 1(3), 99–114.
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D.,&Rehg, M. (2018). Influence of EthicalPosition on Whistleblowing Behaviour Do Preferred Channels in Private and Public Sectors Differ . JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 149(1), 0–167.
Schewe, G., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., Holtgrave, M., &Nienaber, A. M. (2018). Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers Learning orientation as the decisive factor for translating social capital into organizational innovativeness and performance in Turkey . European Journal of International Management, 0–0.
BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S., ÇİLİNGİRTÜRK, A. M., BÖHM, S., & KLEİN, M. (2018). QR CodeAdvertising A Cross-Country Comparison of Turkish and German Consumers. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 12(1), 287–311.
Fischer, F.,Becker, J., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., &Mie, K. (2017). Collective action against sexism in Germany Turkey and Japan Theinfluence of self-construal and face concerns. GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS, 20(3), 0–423.
Fischer, F.,Becker, J., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & Kato, M. (2017). Fischer F Becker J Zamantılı Nayır D Kato M 2017 - forthcoming Collective Action against Sexism in Germany Turkey and Japan The Influence of Self-Construal and Face Concerns . Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 0–0.
AVCI, E., & ÇATAK, Ç. (2016). Determinants Of Bank Capital Structure And Procyclicality Of Leverage An Empirical Analysis From Turkey. Marmara Business Review, 1(2), 41–57.
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D.,Memili, E., Fang, C., Hellstern, G. M., &Ozga, J. (2016). The impact of entrepreneurial orientation on performance outcomes in cultural industry an empirical analysis of art galleries . Journal of Cultural Management: Arts, Economics, Policy, 2(2), 103–121.
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D.,& Michael, R. (2016). Influence of ethicalposition on whistleblowingbehaviour do prefferedchannels in privateandpublicchannelsdiffer . Journal of Business Ethics, 0–0.
Roloff, J.,Aßländer, M. S., & Zamantili Nayir, D. (2015). Thesupplierperspective: Forgingstrongpartnershipswithbuyers. Journal of Business Strategy, 36(1), 25–32.
Durmuşoğlu, S., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., Apfelthaler, G., Mughan, T., &Alvarez, R. (2015). Theeffect of government designed export promotion service use on small and medium sized enterprise goal achievement A multidimensional view of export performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 41, 680–691.
BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S., KLEİN, M., & ÇİLİNGİRTÜRK, A. M. (2015). Impacts of QR Codes on Buying Decision Process of Turkish Consumers. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 10(3), 287–311.
BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S.,& KLEİN, M. (2015). Türk Tüketicisinin QR Kod Kullanımı Üzerine Keşfedici Bir Araştırma. TheJournal of Academic Social Science (ASOS Journal), (19), 40–55.
BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2019). Enhancing Self-Leadership through High-Performance Work Systems. Presented at the 29th EBES Conference .
Batuk Ünlü, S. (2019). Career Orientations of Self-Leaders. Presented at the 10th International Congress on Current Debates in Social Sciences-CUDES 2019 .
ÇATAK, Ç., & YILMAZ ARSLAN, S. (2019). Does Islamic Banking Have A Future in Germany - Survey on German Muslims Perceptions. Presented at the 3. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS RESERACH AND FINANCIAL MARKETS CONGRESS .
Çatak, Ç. (2019). THE ROLE OF BANKS IN ENTREPRENEURIAL FINANCE. Presented at the XIX. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, Prizren.
Karaca Varinlioğlu, S., & ESEN, E. (2019). İş yeri İnovasyonunun Bir Örneği Olarak Uzaktan Çalışmanın İş Yaşam Dengesine Etkisi Çalışan Anneler Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Presented at the International Social Innovation Congress, İstanbul.
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., CERİTOĞLU, A. B., & faber, sven. (2019). Geleneksel Eyüp Oyuncakçısı - Kültür Pazarlaması Bağlamında Bir İnceleme . Presented at the İşletme Tarihi Konferansı .
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., ERYILMAZ, M., & AYCI, A. (2019). How refugee entrepreneurs improvise Bricolage of Syrian restuarant owners in an emerging economy . Presented at the The 23rd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference .
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., CERİTOĞLU, A. B., KARATAŞ GÜMÜŞTAŞ, N., & Ersen Cömert, Ç. (2019). Aile İşletmelerinde Babadan Oğula İnnovasyon Otomotiv Yan Sanayiinde Yetkinlik İsteklilik İkilemi. Presented at the Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi .
Nienaber, A. M., Holtgrave, M., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & biron, M. (2019). Add Fuel To The Fire Trickle Down and Up Effects of Trust Between The Individual And Organisational Level . Presented at the British Academy of Management .
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & İslam, G. (2019). Menteşe Elemanlar Çokuluslularda Çiftkültürlülüğün Katkıları . Presented at the Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi .
BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2018). Structural Empowerment and Its Effect on Job Outcomes. Presented at the International Conference on Empirical Economics and Social Sciences (ICEESS’18), Balıkesir.
Batuk Ünlü, S. (2018). Organizational Trauma and Consequences Deterioration of Work Engagement through Perceptions of Uncertainty. Presented at the 8th Academic International Conference on Business, Marketing and Management (AICBMM 2018) .
ÇATAK, Ç. (2018). The Effect of Corporate Culture on Firm s Organizational and Financial Structure A Comparative Analysis of Turkish and German Firms. Presented at the 25th EBES CONFERENCE, İstanbul.
KLEİN, M., & BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S. (2018). Industry 4 0 Changing Value Chains and New Business Models. Presented at the 11th International Conference on New Challenges in Management and Business 2018, İstanbul.
NUROĞLU, E., & NUROĞLU, H. H. (2018). Endüstri 4 0 ı Türkiye nin Dış Ticareti için bir Fırsat Penceresine Dönüştürmek. Presented at the International Conference on Empirical Economics and Social Sciences .
Nuroğlu, H. H. (2018). Industry 4 0 Impact on Franchising Governance. Presented at the 14. ULUSLARARASIBİLGİ, EKONOMİ VE YÖNETİM KONGRESİ .
NUROĞLU, E., & NUROĞLU, H. H. (2018). Türkiye nin Sanayide Dijital Dönüşümü Almanya Örneğinden Alınacak Dersler. Presented at the 14th International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Management .
NUROĞLU, H. H., & NUROĞLU, E. (2018). Türkiye nin Yeni Sanayi Devrimine Yaklaşımı Nasıl Olmalı. Presented at the International Conference on Empirical Economics and Social Sciences .
Ersoy, I., Rohr, C., & ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2018). Compliance among multi-level supply chiam a case study of the Turkish automotive sector. Presented at the Global Value Chains and their Employment Relations Consequences Workshop .
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & Nagy, B. (2018). Effects of Entrepreneurial Experience and Feedback Acceptance on Legitimacy Attainment . Presented at the RENT (Research on Entrepreneurship) .
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., TURUNÇ, Ö., & AVCI, U. (2018). Katılımcı strateji süreci örgütsel performans ilişkisinde beklenen rekabetin rolü . Presented at the 26. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi .
KARATAŞ GÜMÜŞTAŞ, N., Ersen Cömert, Ç., & ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2018). Güvenin karanlık Yüzü İç Denetçilerde Güven Tüketiyor mu . Presented at the 26. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi .
Özçelik, H., METİN, B., KABASAKAL, H., BAKER ARAPOĞLU, N. B., BATUK ÜNLÜ, S., & ÇEBİ, M. (2018). Why Loneliness Might Beget More Loneliness for Employees An Empirical Analysis. Presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management .
ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., Vecchi, A., & Mataracı, R. (2018). How do Entrepreneurs cope with Ambidexterity Behaviours and Competencies of Islamic Fashion Designers. Presented at the EGOS (European Group of Organizational Scholars) .
Tourigny, L., Viswanath, B., Terri, L., Montserrat, S., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., Sonnikova, S., … Han, J. (2018). Emotional Exhaustion Absenteeism Organizational Commitment and Intention to Quit among Hospital Nurses A Comparative Study of Eight Countries . Presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology .
Göncü, S., & Zamantılı Nayır, D. (2017). Gelişen bir ekonomide göçmen girişimciliği Türkiye Örneği . Presented at the 16. Ulusal İşletmecilik Kongresi .
Memili, E., Robert, R., Fang, H., & ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2017). SME Coopetitive Relationships A Model of Reactive and Proactive Motivations Trust and Mutual Benefit . Presented at the Western Academy of Management .
BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S., & KLEİN, M. (2017). Factors Affecting Consumers Perceived Advertising Value Regarding AR Ads. Presented at the First International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in Electronic and Mobile Business (IWEMB 2017), Bangkok.
Çatak, Ç. (2017). Entrepreneurial Finance in Turkey German Entrepreneurial Index As A Role Model. Presented at the Istanbul Finance Congress, İstanbul.
Çatak, Ç. (2017). Relationship between Corporate Governance and Corporate Financial Distress Evidence from Turkey. Presented at the 22nd EBES Conference, Roma.
KARATAŞ GÜMÜŞTAŞ, N., & ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2017). Belagat retorik ne sağlar Sosyal girişimcilerin meşruiyet kazanma çabaları . Presented at the 25. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi .
Lynden, K., Arora, S., Baker, D., Fan, L., Idelson, M., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., … Zwerg, A. M. (2017). Teaching International Business through Experience . Presented at the Academy of International Business
NUROĞLU, E., & ÇATAK, Ç. (2017). Returns to Innovation and Growth. Presented at the 5. Uluslarararası İktisat Kongresi .
NUROĞLU, E., & NUROĞLU, H. H. (2017). Almanya ve Türkiye nin Balkanlardaki İhracat ve Yatırımlarının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi. Presented at the II. European Congress on Economic Issues - ECOEI2017 .
NUROĞLU, H. H., & NUROĞLU, E. (2017). Transaction Cost Theory to Examine IT impact on theGovernance of Franchise Networks in Turkey. Presented at the Anadolu International Conference in Economics V(EconAnadolu2017) .
NUROĞLU, H. H. (2017). Measuring IT Capability under the Framework of Resource Based View. Presented at the II. European Congress on Economic Issues .
ÖZDEMİR, M. H. (2017). Application of Change of Basis in the Simplex Method. Presented at the 13th International Conference on Social Sciences, VIENNA.
Randolph, R., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., Memili, E., & Fang, C. (2017). Seeing the forests for the trees Knowledge diversity and causation logics in family firms. Presented at the Family Business Conference .
Avcı, E., & Çatak, Ç. (2016). Procylicality of Leverage An Emprical Analysis from Turkish Banks. Presented at the 18 th International Conference on Economics, Finance and Management/ World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Berlin.
Batuk Ünlü, S. (2016). Drivers of Isomorphism Environmental Uncertainty and Asymmetric Information. Presented at the The MacroTrends Conference on Business and Social Science: Nice 2016 .
Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S. (2016). Mobil Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetimi. Presented at the International Science and Technology Conference 2016 .
Klein, M., & Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S. (2016). Kurumsal Sosyal Medya Kullanımı Bir Vaka Analizi. Presented at the 3rd International Management Information System Conference .
Bode, A., Taras, V., Mueller, K., Gupta, S., & Zamantılı Nayır, D. (2016). Proactive personality in culturally diverse virtual teams effects of leader member fit and cultural moderators on performance outcomes . Presented at the Academy of International Business, Southeast USA Chapter, .
Batuk Ünlü, S. (2015). The effect of career planning on work engagement and the mediator role of perceived organizational support. In Proceedings of the VII. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences
Zamantılı Nayır, D., Nienhaber, A. M., Holtgrave, M., & Schewe, G. (2015). Learning is future but some don’t realize that. 24th International Conference on Innovation and Technology
O'Reilly, J., & Zamantılı Nayır, D. (2015). A mate can do no wrong: The influence of organizational identity on perceptions of supervisor justice following coworker abusive supervision. Academy of Management
Durmuşoğlu, S., Zamantılı Nayır, D., & Wang, Y. K. (2015). Knowledge conversion processes as enablers of firm creativity and firm performance: Mediation through organizational social capital. 22nd Innovation & Product Development Management Conference.
Minbaeva, D., MuratbekovaTouron, M., & Zamantılı Nayır, D. (2015). Individual responses to competing institutional logics. Academy of Management
Shinnar, R., & Zamantılı Nayır, D. (2015). Is simultaneous pull and push possible? An effectuation perspective on ethnic entrepreneurs in an emerging economy. 31st EGOS Colloquium.
Durmuşoğlu, S., Zamantılı Nayır, D., Joens, I., & Schweiss, S. (2015). The effect of transformational leadership on the barriers to firm innovativeness in emerging economies. Academy of International Business
Zamantılı Nayır, D. (2015). Does transformational leadership affect perception of barriers to innovativeness. European Academy of Management Conference