Minor Program

Minor Program in Political Science and International Relations for Business Administration Students

Students enrolled in the Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Minor Program within the Business Administration Department are required to complete the four mandatory courses listed below. Additionally, subject to the approval of their minor advisors, they must select courses from the minor program elective course pool listed below, provided these courses are offered by the PSIR Department, in order to complete a minimum of 10 ECTS credits. These courses can only be selected by minor students if they are offered by the PSIR Department in the respective semester.

Students can apply for the Minor Program at the beginning of their third semester at the earliest and at the beginning of their sixth semester at the latest by submitting an application form and a transcript. To be eligible for the PSIR Minor Program, students must have successfully completed all required courses in their Business Administration major up to the semester of application and must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 at the time of application.

For more detailed information about the Minor Program, please click here.

Required Courses for PSIR Minor Program
Course Code Course Name ECTS Language
POL101  Introduction to Political Science 5 German
POL106 Introduction to International Relations 5 German
POL205 Theory of International Relations 5 German
POL304 The Political and Administrative Structure of the European Union 5 German

Wahlmodulkatalog für das PWIB-Minor-Programm
Course Code Course Name ECTS Language
POL105 History of International Relations 5 German
POL104 History of Political Ideas 5 German
POL212 Turkish Political Life 5 German
POL203 Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences 5 German
POL211 Comparative Political Science 5 German
POL204 Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences 5 German
POL208 Political Theory 5 German
POL210 Policy Fields Analysis in Multilevel Systems 5 German
POL303 International Political Economy 5 German
POL309 Current Issues in Turkish-European Relations 3 German
POL311 Foreign Policy Analysis 5 German
POL313 Turkish Foreign Policy I 5 German
POL314 Turkish Foreign Policy II 5 German
POL306 Political History of Germany 5 German
POL312 International Organizations 5 German
POL401 Party and Elections Systems in Comparison 5 German
POL403 German Foreign Policy 5 German
POL405 Theories of European Integration 5 German
POL406 Current International Questions 5 German