Yayınlar (2020 -)


BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S., TUĞER, A. T., & USLU, T. (2020). Experience-Oriented Marketing Innovations via Digital Technologies. Presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Entrepreneurship, Electronic and Mobile Business, Wiesbaden.

ÇATAK, Ç. (2020). THE NEW TREND IN DIGITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT  ROBO-ADVISORS. Presented at the Istanbul Finance Congress .

ÖZDEMİR, M. H., AYLAK, B. L., & TAŞ, M. A. (2020). Applications of Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods in the Field of Solar Energy. Presented at the 3rd International Congress of Academic Research, BOLU.

BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S., & KLEİN, M. (2021). THE ROLE OF AR TECHNOLOGY FOR E-COMMERCE IN RETAILING. Presented at the International Conference of Digital Transformation in Social Sciences .

CERİT, M. M., & KARAOSMANOĞLU, E. (2021). A Theoretical Discussion on Marketing Agility and Adaptive Marketing Capabilities in Regards to Firm Performance. Presented at the 25. Pazarlama Kongresi .

DREYER, A., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & Ketan, I. (2021). Video on demand platforms  A pilot study on preferences and binge watching behaviour  . Presented at the ABAC Conference .

KARACA VARİNLİOĞLU, S., & BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2021). Güçlendirici Liderlik ve Sanal Kaytarma İlişkisinde Öz-Liderliğin Aracı Rolü. Presented at the 29. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Kars.

BATUK ÜNLÜ, S., & ÖZER TORGALÖZ, A. (2021). Bilgi Teknolojileri Deneyim ve Eğitimi ile Teknostres İlişkisi ve İş-Yaşam Dengesi Üzerindeki Etkileri . Presented at the 8. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi, Muğla.

ÇATAK, Ç. (2021). The Corporate Governance Structures of Turkish Listed Family Companies. Presented at the Hamburg Conference: Law and Management of Family Firms, Hamburg.

ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2021). Frameswitching of boundary spanners  Turkish biculturals in German multinational subsidiaries  Towards Constructive Intercultural Management. Presented at the Towards Constructive Intercultural Management: A conference on research approaches and perspectives .

BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2022). How Would You Like to be Managed  An Intergenerational Comparison of Leadership Preferences. Presented at the 4. International Göbeklitepe Scientific Research Congress .

CERİT, M. M., & KARAOSMANOĞLU, E. (2022). Thematic Analysis of Brand Response Strategies of Organizations to COVID-19 Based on SCCT and Message Framing. Presented at the 26. Pazarlama Kongresi, Kırşehir.

ÇANKIR, B., & CERİT, M. M. (2022). İşte Güçlenme Çalışanların İşten Ayrılma Niyetlerini Azaltır mı  Bir Araştırma. Presented at the 21. Uluslararası İşletmecilik Kongresi, Kahramanmaraş.

KARACA VARİNLİOĞLU, S., & BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2022). Cinsiyet Eşitsizliği Perspektifinden Covid-19 Pandemisinin Çalışan Anneler Üzerindeki Etkileri. Presented at the USBILIM 2. Uluslararası Örgütsel Davranış Araştırmaları ve Yönetim Bilimleri Kongresi, Ankara.

KLEİN, M. (2022). Digitale Transformation - Betriebswirtschaftliche Herausforderungen. Presented at the Beijing Humboldt Forum 2022 .

Hüffmeier, J., Jens, M., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., F., U., & E, O. (2022.). What Does it Mean to Negotiate Like a Man  A Cross-Cultural Interview Study. Presented at the European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Oslo.

Yozgatlı Özbilen, P., ÖZER TORGALÖZ, A., & BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2022). What goes around comes around  Sentiments of couriers during Covid-19 pandemic . Presented at the Management and Organizational Studies on Blue & Grey Collar Workers International Congress, Ankara.

BATUK ÜNLÜ, S., & ÖZER TORGALÖZ, A. (2022). Uzaktan Çalışma Sürecinde İş-Yaşam Dengesi  Dijital Liderlik ve Teknostresin Etkileri. Presented at the 30. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Isparta.

KLEİN, M., BATUK ÜNLÜ, S., & KARACA VARİNLİOĞLU, S. (2022). Uzaktan Çalışma Düzeni İçin Sanal Ekip Yetkinlik Modeli Geliştirilmesi. Presented at the 9. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi .

ORAL, O., AYLAK, B. L., ÖZDEMİR, M. H., & İNCE, M. (2022). Estimation of Wind Speed Probability Distribution Parameters by Using Four Different Metaheuristic Algorithms. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering, BAKÜ.

ÖZDEMİR, M. H. (2022). An Application of Multidimensional Scaling for the Installed Renewable Electricity Generation Capacity of the European Union Countries. Presented at the 10th International Academic Studies Conference .

ÖZDEMİR, M. H., & AYLAK, B. L. (2022). Prediction of Cumulative Installed Power of Geothermal Power Plants in Turkey by Using Artificial Neural Network and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, KONYA.

ÖZDEMİR, M. H. (2022). An Efficiency Analysis for Wind Turbines with an integrated Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach  . Presented at the 8th International Congress of Academic Research .


BAYRAK MEYDANOĞLU, E. S., TEODORESCU, M., & SAYIN, F. (2023). THE ROLE OF AUGMENTED REALITY FOR SUPPLY CHAINS. Presented at the 21st International Logistics and Supply Chain Congress, Gaziantep.

KILAVUZ, S., DEDE, M. A., & ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2023). Cooperation, competition or stepping on each other's toes? Food recovery networks in non-WEIRD contexts. Global Perspectives on Planetary Boundaries: Sustainable Solutions for Limited Resources

ÖZER, O., & BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2023). Pros and Cons of Electronic Marketplaces  A Study on the Preferences of Generation Z. Presented at the The Economic Research and Financial Markets Congress with International Participation (IERFM), Eskişehir.

ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & Mueller, E. (2023). Collaboration  Social Capital  and Agility in a Turbulent World  An Analysis of Turkish Companies. Presented at the Research on Entrepreneurship Conference .

CERİT, M. M., & KARAOSMANOĞLU, E. (2024). Metin Madenciliği ile Markaların Sosyal Medya Mesajlarının İncelenmesi  Pandemi Öncesi  Sırası ve Sonrası Dönemi Kapsayan Bir Araştırma. Presented at the 27. Pazarlama Kongresi, Erzurum.

KARACA VARİNLİOĞLU, S., & ESEN, E. (2024). An Overview of Studies on Impression Management and Sustainability Performance. Presented at the International Congress of New Horizons in Social Sciences .


ÇATAK, Ç. (2020). Entrepreneurial Finance in Turkey  A Comparison of German Entrepreneurial Index  GEX  with Borsa Istanbul Emerging Companies Market  ECM . Journal of Yasar University15(57), 63–71.

ÇATAK, Ç., & YILMAZ ARSLAN, S. (2020). Does Islamic banking have a future in Germany  Survey on German Muslims perceptions. Pressacademia7(2), 187–197.

Randolph, R.,Fang, H., Memili, E., & ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2020). Familyandnon-familysources of knowledgediversity in familyfirms  The role of causationlogics. International Small Business Journal, 0–0.

BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2020). Career Orientations of Self-Leaders. Turkish Studies-Social Sciences15(2), 19–30.


KLEİN, M. (2020). LeadershipCharacteristics in theEra of DigitalTransformation. Business and Management Studies: An International Journal, 0–0.

KLEİN, M. (2020). İşletmelerin Dijital Dönüşüm Senaryoları - Kavramsal Bir Model Önerisi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Elektronik), 0–0.

KLEİN, M. (2020). İşletmelerde Dijital Dönüşüm ve Etmenleri. Dijital Çağda İşletmecilik Dergisi3(1), 24–35.

BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2021). The Effect of High-Performance Work Systems on Self-Leadership. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Elektronik)20(77), 188–200.

Minbaeva, D.,MuratbekovaTouron, M., Moreira, S., & ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D. (2021). Individualresponsestocompetinginstitutionallogics in emergingmarkets  nbsp . International Business Review, 0–0.

ÇATAK, Ç. (2022). ENERGY DERIVATIVES- AN ANALYSIS OF THE TURKISH ELECTRICITY MARKET. International Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies35, 17–30.

BATUK ÜNLÜ, S., & Çalışkan, T. N. (2022). Agile Organizations as Part of Digital Transformation  The Relationship between Corporate Culture and Agility in Turkish Context. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (53), 315–324.

UÇAN, F. S., & BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2022). An Intergenerational Comparison of Reactions to Mobbing at Workplace. TroyAcademy International Journal of Social Sciences7(3), 351–378.

ZEHİR, M., BOZKURT, S., OKTAY, S., & BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2022). Gamification as a Promising Strategy for Sustainable Businesses. The Journal of Academic Social Sciences (ASOS Journal)10(129), 327–352.

Randolph, R., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., Memili, E., Fang, H., &Ramadani, V. (2022). The role of strategicmotivationsandmutualdependence on partnerselection in SME ccopetition. International Small Business Journal-ResearchingEntrepreneurship, 0–0.

BÜYÜKBEŞE, T., Dikbaş, T., KLEİN, M., & BATUK ÜNLÜ, S. (2022). A Study On DigitalLeadershipScale  DLS  Development. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi19(2), 740–760.

KLEİN, M.,& Biber, B. U. (2022). Exploring The Barriers To Digital Transformation For CompaniesInTurkey. Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi10(135), 34–42.


ÇATAK, Ç., & YILMAZ ARSLAN, S. (2023). Behavioral Investor Types- Determinants of Individual Investors  Financial Risk Tolerance. Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, (99), 223–236.

Bürücek, Ş., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., & DEDE, M. A. (2023). Uluslararası Kariyer Yapmak  Eşlerin Koordinasyon Stratejileri. Management andPoliticalSciencesReview, 0–0.

Eroğul, M. Ş., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., ÖZEREN, E., & ARSLAN, A. (2023). Femalesoldiersmaneuvringvisibility in theTurkishArmedForces. CultureandOrganization, 0–0.

Nienaber, A. M.,Holtgrave, M., Biron, M., Baumeister, V. M., ZAMANTILI NAYIR, D., &Schewe, G. (2023). Trickle-downeffect of organizational trust on co-workertrust  Themoderating role of cultural dissimilarity and relationship length. European Management Review, 0–0.


Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S., Öztürk, R., Klein, M., & Böhm, S. (2020). The role of augmented reality as an experience provider in retail marketing. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, M. Klein, R. Öztürk, & N. Bartholomäus (Eds.), Digital transformation in business (theory/experience) (pp. 15–32). Peter Lang GmbH.

Çatak, Ç. (2020). Digital transformation in finance: Robo-advisors vs. human financial advisors. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, R. Öztürk, N. Bartholomaus, & M. Klein (Eds.), Digital transformation in business (theory/practice) (pp. 181–188). Peter Lang.

Çatak, Ç. (2020). Türk bankacılık sektöründe e-ticaretin rolü. In S. Ay & H. Y. Keser (Eds.), Ticarette dijital dönüşüm ve e-ticaret (pp. 195–208). Değişim Yayınları.

Kıymak, E., & Batuk Ünlü, S. (2020). E-ticareti etkileyen kültürel faktörler: Türk ve Alman tüketicilerin online alışveriş davranışlarına yönelik bir karşılaştırma. In Batuk Ünlü (Ed.), Yönetim ve organizasyon çalışmaları (pp. 57–79). Livre de Lyon.

Öztürk, R., & Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S. (2020). Digital marketing: An empirical study of attitudes toward mobile marketing among students from different cultures. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, M. Klein, R. Öztürk, & N. Bartholomäus (Eds.), Digital transformation in business (theory/practice) (pp. 33–54). Peter Lang GmbH.

Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S., Teodorescu, M., Batuk, S., & Karaca, S. (2020). Enhancing digital reputation: New tools for monitoring corporate reputation in the digital age. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, M. Klein, R. Öztürk, & N. Bartholomäus (Eds.), Digital transformation in business (theory/practice) (pp. 119–134). Peter Lang.

Batuk Ünlü, S., & Özer Torgalöz, A. (2021). Toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifinden Avrupa Birliği istihdam politikaları ve iş-yaşam dengesi. In O. Yılmaz Berrin & Ü. Adviye Damla (Eds.), Avrupa Birliği’nin toplumsal cinsiyet politikalarına yönelik güncel tartışmalar (pp. 96–113). Filiz Kitabevi.

Botts, M. M. (2021). The many faces of distance: A typology of distance in management. European Journal of Management Issues, 29(4), 181–191.

Karaca, S., & Esen, E. (2021). Strateji ve toplum: Etik ve sosyal sorumluluk. In M. Kaplan (Ed.), Strateji-yönetsel bağlam çerçevesinde güncel okumalar (pp. 253–266). Eğitim Yayınevi.

Karaca, S., & Esen, E. (2021). Reflections of remote working on positive organizational behavior issues in the workplace: Looking at happiness, wellbeing, and psychological resilience. In A. Özer Torgalöz & S. Batuk Ünlü (Eds.), Remote and hybrid working: Variants, determinants, outcomes (pp. 357–378). Peter Lang Verlag.

Nuroğlu, H. H. (2021). Avrupa Birliği’nde Endüstri 4.0 devrimi. In F. Cicioğlu & H. M. Boyraz (Eds.), Avrupa Birliği üzerine tartışmalar: Ekonomi, çevre, teknoloji (pp. 125–141). AKTİF Yayınevi.

Özdemir, E., & Özdemir, M. H. (2021). İşletme matematiği. Dora Yayıncılık.

Özdemir, M. H. (2021). Application of change of basis in the simplex method. In A. Ecirli & E. Jurczyk-
Romanowska (Eds.), Recent ideas and developments in education (pp. 142–150). Revistia Publishing and Research.

Özdemir, M. H., & Aylak, B. L. (2021). Çok boyutlu ölçekleme kullanılarak kaynaklara göre elektrik üretiminin görselleştirilmesi. In Y. L. Mert (Ed.), Sosyal, beşeri ve idari bilimler temel alanında akademik çalışmalar – I (pp. 213–223). Artikel Akademi.

Özer Torgalöz, A., & Batuk Ünlü, S. (2021). Endüstri 5.0 ve insan kaynakları yönetimi. In G. İdil Sönmeztürk Bolatan (Ed.), Endüstri 5.0 dijital toplum (pp. 19–38). Ekin Yayınevi.

Batuk Ünlü, S., & Ünlü, İ. B. (2021). Bilgi çağında yeni bir tüketim alışkanlığı olarak paylaşım ekonomisi ve istihdam üzerindeki etkileri. In Ş. Karabulut (Ed.), Teoride iktisadi, mali ve finansal uygulama ve anlayışlar (pp. 153–170). Gazi Kitabevi.

Çatak, Ç. (2021). Küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerde dijitalleşme ve finansmana erişim. In M. Eryılmaz (Ed.), Dijital dönüşümü işletme biliminin gözlükleriyle anlamak (pp. 17–26). Nobel.

Çatak, Ç. (2021). Enerji türev ürünleri ve finansal risk yönetimi: Metallgesellschaft olayı. In A. F. Aysan, M. Camgöz, & F. Yiğit (Eds.), Finansal vaka analizleri vakalarla finans teorisi (pp. 241–256). Nobel.

Klein, M., & Batuk, S. (2021). Home-based remote work: Freedom or slavery through digitalization? In M. Z. Çögenli (Ed.), Digitalization in organizations (pp. 1–23). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Klein, M., & Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S. (2021). İşletmeler için geniş kapsamlı dijital dönüşüm strateji çerçevesi. In M. Eryılmaz (Ed.), Dijital dönüşümü işletme biliminin gözlükleriyle anlamak (pp. 121–137). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.

Teodorescu, M., Klein, M., & Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S. (2021). Blockchain meets education: A blockchain-enriched model of remote higher education. In A. Özer Torgalöz & S. Batuk Ünlü (Eds.), Remote and hybrid working: Variants, determinants, outcomes (pp. 223–238). Peter Lang GmbH.

Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S., & Teodorescu, M. (2022). The impact of blockchain on the marketing mix elements: A literature review. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, D. Zamantılı Nayır, M. Klein, & R. Öztürk (Eds.), Digital challenges and strategies in a post-pandemic world (pp. 15–32). Peter Lang.

Karaca Varinlioğlu, S., & Esen, E. (2022). Kurumsal imaj ve itibar yönetimi. In P. Başar (Ed.), Yönetimde iletişim (pp. 191–205). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.

Klein, M., Batuk, Ü. S., Karaca, V. S., & Dede, M. A. (2022). Factors affecting work-family conflict in the digital work environment. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, D. Zamantılı Nayır, M. Klein, & R. Öztürk (Eds.), Digital challenges and strategies in a post-pandemic world (pp. 89–110). Peter Lang.

Nuroğlu, E., & Nuroğlu, H. H. (2022). Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı ve ikiz dönüşüm çerçevesinde akıllı şehirler. In N. Bektaş (Ed.), Çevre, iklim ve afet: Dirençli şehirler için yol haritası (pp. 57–68). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık

Nuroğlu, H. H. (2022). Digital challenges in the governance of business networks in the post-pandemic era. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, D. Z. Nayır, M. Klein, & R. Öztürk (Eds.), Digital challenges and strategies in a post-pandemic world (pp. 199–211). Peter Lang.

Özdemir, M. H., & Yavrucu, E. (2022). Ranking the European Union countries in terms of human development by using TOPSIS and EDAS and combining these rankings with the Borda count method. In N. İyit, B. H. Özbek, & A. Topbaş (Eds.), Current research in social, human and administrative sciences – March 2022 (pp. 145–160). Gece Kitaplığı.

Özdemir, M. H., Çakıroğlu, C., Aylak, B. L., & Taş, M. A. (2022). Route optimization for the maintenance of wind power plants by using metaheuristic algorithms. In Y. Aşcı (Ed.), Architectural and engineering research and practice (pp. 127–159). Livre de Lyon.

Özdemir, M. H., Tuzcuoğlu, T., & Yavrucu, E. (2022). The asset allocation preferences of mutual fund managers in the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic periods. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, D. Zamantılı Nayır, M. Klein, & R. Öztürk (Eds.), Digital challenges and strategies in a post-pandemic world (pp. 229–241). Peter Lang.

Selimefendigıl, S., Güzeloğlu, H., & Çatak, Ç. (2022). Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology: Investigating the relationship between Bitcoin and financial markets. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, D. Zamantılı Nayır, M. Klein, & R. Öztürk (Eds.), Digital challenges and strategies in a post-pandemic world (pp. 213–228). Peter Lang.

Arda, C., Dede, M. A., Karaca, V. S., Batuk, Ü. S., Klein, M., & Zamantılı Nayır, D. (2023). The impact of digitalization on the fashion industry in the context of sustainability. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, R. Öztürk, D. Zamantılı Nayır, & M. Klein (Eds.), Sustainability in business management (pp. 69–89). Shaker Verlag.

Batuk Ünlü, S., & Özer Torgalöz, A. (2023). Pros and cons of remote work: Where do we stand now? In M. Z. Cogenli (Ed.), Organizational behavior in the digital world (pp. 233–249). Nova Science Publishers.

Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S., & Teodorescu, M. (2023). A cross-sector comparative analysis of a multidimensional framework of value creation through big data. In R. Öztürk & H. Akpınar (Eds.), Data-driven decisions in enterprises: Implications for business education and cases (pp. 39–66). Peter Lang.

Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S. (2023). Applying situated visualization for supporting consumer decision-making. In R. Öztürk & H. Akpınar (Eds.), Data-driven decisions in enterprises: Implications for business education and cases (pp. 115–132). Peter Lang.

Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S., Teodorescu, M., Cerit, M. M., & Abbasoğlu, H. B. (2023). The determinants of purchase intention for environmentally sustainable apparel: An extended theory of planned behavior. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, R. Öztürk, D. Zamantılı Nayır, & M. Klein (Eds.), Sustainability in business management (pp. 1–15). Shaker Verlag.

Bayrak Meydanoğlu, E. S., Çilingirtürk, A. M., Teodorescu, M., & Sayın, F. (2023). The impact of critical factors on purchase intention towards environmentally sustainable apparel: An empirical study on young Turkish consumers. In R. Öztürk & N. Bartholomäus (Eds.), Sustainability innovations in times of crisis (pp. 58–83). Shaker Verlag.

Bulgur, N. E., Esen, E., & Karaca Varinlioğlu, S. (2023). Climate change disclosures of companies in selected developed and emerging countries with an impression management perspective. In R. van Tulder, E. Giuliani, & I. Álvarez (Eds.), International business and sustainable development goals (pp. 225–240). Emerald.

Çatak, Ç. (2023). Muhasebe ve finans alanlarında iletişim: Genel bir değerlendirme. In Z. E. A. Çelik (Ed.), Meslekler ve iletişim (pp. 215–226). Eğitim Yayınevi.

Klein, M. (2023). Dijital dönüşüm ve yönetimi. In A. Yılmaz (Ed.), İş'te dijitalleşme (pp. 33–51). Nobel.

Klein, M., & Halhallı, U. E. (2023). Dijitalleşen dünyada iş süreç yönetiminin yeri. In İş süreçleri yönetimi: Kavramlar, araçlar ve teknolojiler (pp. 87–110). Nobel.

Özdemir, M. H. (2023). An efficiency analysis for wind power plants in Turkey by using improved OCRA. In S. Ul Durar & M. E. Abdelli (Eds.), Academic research & reviews in social, human and administrative sciences I (pp. 166–181). Global Academy.

Özdemir, M. H. (2023). An application for aggregating the criteria weights obtained by different objective weighting methods and their use in COPRAS. In S. Batal (Ed.), International academic research and reviews in social, human and administrative sciences – March 2023 (pp. 141–154). Serüven Yayınevi.

Özdemir, M. H., Tuzcuoğlu, T., & Yavrucu, E. (2023). The significance of renewable energy for financial sustainability: A time series analysis. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, R. Öztürk, D. Zamantılı Nayır, & M. Klein (Eds.), Sustainability in business management. Shaker Verlag.

Özdemir, M. H. (2023). Comparative analysis of financial inclusion by genders in Turkey and the European Union. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, R. Öztürk, D. Zamantılı Nayır, & M. Klein (Eds.), Diversity, equality, and inclusion (pp. 53–65). Shaker Verlag.

Yılmaz Arslan, S. (2023). Sustainable markets and abnormal weather: Exploring the impact of climate risks on sustainable investing in Turkey. In Ç. Çatak & M. Öner (Eds.), Sustainable finance: Challenges, opportunities and future prospects (pp. 77–89). Peter Lang.

Yozgatlı Özbilgen, P., Özer Torgalöz, A., & Batuk Ünlü, S. (2023). What goes around comes around: Sentiments of couriers during Covid-19 pandemic. In J. Paliszkiewicz & D. Varoğlu (Eds.), Management and organizational studies on blue- and gray-collar workers: Diversity of collars (pp. 1–13). Emerald Publishing.

Botts, M. M. (2024). Learning in space: Using science fiction podcasts in and out of the marketing classroom. Marketing Education Review, 1-8.

Botts, M. M., & Hurmacı, Ö. (2024). How would you like your (sustainability) influencer? A cross-cultural discrete choice experiment on preferred influencer characteristics. In F. Şahin & C. Söylemez (Eds.), Navigating the shifting landscape of consumer behavior (pp. 235–258). IGI Global.

Dağlar-Sezer, N., Karaca Varinlioğlu, S., Dede, M. A., Engin, A., Zamantılı Nayır, D., & Carstensen, V. (2024). Who aspires to go and why: An analysis among Turkish university students. In R. Öztürk & N. Bartholomäus (Eds.), Skills shortage: Approaches and solutions from universities, companies, and politics (pp. 35–62). Shaker Verlag.

Dede, M. A., Halhallı, U. E., Batuk Ünlü, S., & Klein, M. (2024). Inclusion in virtual teams: How to lead? In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, R. Öztürk, D. Zamantılı Nayır, & M. Klein (Eds.), Diversity, equality, and inclusion (pp. 53–65). Shaker Verlag.

Özdemir, M. H., Tuzcuoğlu, T., & Yavrucu, E. (2024). Comparative analysis of financial inclusion by genders in Turkey and the European Union. In E. S. Bayrak Meydanoğlu, R. Öztürk, D. Zamantılı Nayır, & M. Klein (Eds.), Diversity, equality, and inclusion (pp. 53–65). Shaker Verlag.

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